A Guide To Whale Watching in Tenerife

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Tenerife is the largest and most visited of the Canary Islands. Tourists flock by the millions from cities across Europe every year.

Mount Teide formed the island years ago. The resulting topography makes this one of the world’s prime whale-watching destinations.

While you enjoy a maritime tour in Tenerife to see whales and dolphins, Costa Adeje drops 2000 meters off the coast, forming the perfect shelf for our marine friends.

Many companies now offer tours to observe whales and dolphins. In 2-3 ...

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Rare White Spotted Dolphin

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Staff and guests were excited to observe a white Atlantic Spotted dolphin this morning. Traveling within a group of several hundred Spotted dolphins the all white colour of the dolphin was very distinct. This is the first time we have seen this dolphin – a colleague has shared information of such a sighting in the Azores Islands to the north of the Canary Islands.

This is not an albino dolphin, but most likely the result of a leucism, where pigment ...

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False Killer Whales

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A pod of False Killer whales was encountered on today’s whale watching tours. While exploring Costa Adeje today we managed to observe these rare cetacean visitors to Tenerife! The False Killer whales were very active and inquisitive with our whale watching tour boat, making close passes and investigating the boat. Captain John was quick to grab the GoPro underwater video camera and caught some amazing video of these amazing cetaceans as they swam around our idle boat.

False Killer ...

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Blue Shark!

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A Blue Shark appeared in the deep blue ocean off of Costa Adeje today on our whale watching tour. The boat was sitting idly with the engines off as we had the hydrophone in the water to listen to the chatter of the whales and dolphins. The Blue shark seemed very inquisitive as it made several close passes to the boat and investigated our hydrophone. Captain John was quick to get the GoPro into the water and capture this beautiful ...

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Spotted Dolphins

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A large pod of Atlantic Spotted dolphins approached and circled our whale watching tour boat today while exploring Costa Adeje of Tenerife. They spent several minutes swimming alongside our boat, while their calls were audible above the water! It was a thrilling encounter with a large pod of adult Spotted dolphins and thanks to Captain Jose we have a beautiful GoPro video to share with you.

Atlantic Spotted dolphins are the third most commonly observed cetacean species on our ...

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Bryde’s Whale GoPro Video

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Lately there have been more Bryde’s whales moving into the ocean zone off Costa Adeje in Tenerife. This marks the changing of the season as the cooler autumn seas change the marine environment. This brings more food into the area for these 12-16 meter long baleen whales. Over the past week we have encountered over 6 Bryde’s whales on our tours.

Bryde’s whales, also called the ‘Tropical Whale’ are one of the least studied and understood of the baleen whales. This ...

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