Atlantic Spotted Dolphins Underwater

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Spotted dolphins are one of our guest favourites as they often swim over to the boat and seem to enjoy bow riding or pacing alongside the boat, often leaping mere meters away from our excited guests (and crew!). GoPro underwater footage gives us a glimpse into their ocean realm.

Racing over to the boat, bow riding and leaping alongside is not typical behaviour of most whale and dolphin species. Yet when we stop the boat to give the dolphins ...

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Pilot Whale Mom and Baby Underwater

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As we sat idly observing a family group of Pilot whales a Mother and baby pair broke off from the rest of the group to do some ‘people watching’. This happens fairly often with our non-invasive approach. We do not chase the whales and dolphins, but instead observe quietly from the proper distance and allow the cetaceans own curiosity to dictate if there will be a closer encounter. It is fairly often that we are rewarded for our approach ...

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