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Pilot whales are fascinating creatures that capture the imagination of anyone lucky enough to encounter them.  This is the cetacean species we most commonly observe on our Tenerife whale watching tours. The resident Pilot whale population along Costa Adeje, Tenerife, is one of the largest populations in the world! A wonderful opportunity for whale and dolphin watching in Tenerife.
Here are a few interesting facts about pilot ...
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Curiosities short-finned pilot whales in Tenerife

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In 99% of our whale watching tours in Tenerife, we can see groups of short-finned pilot whales. This is because the Teno-Rasca Special Marine Conservation Area is the area with the highest density of resident pilot whales in the world, with a total of about 400 individuals. This population remains stable over the years.

Some of the most curious facts about the short-finned pilot whales are:

  • They form large groups, between ...
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Pilot Whales Investigate our Boat

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While exploring Costa Adeje today on our whale and dolphin watching tours we were so lucky to encounter two Pilot whales, a female and young calf, that were very inquisitive of our boat. There are whale watching regulations in Tenerife that we strictly adhere to, but the resident Pilot whales don’t have any such restrictions. They are the top of the food chain here in Tenerife and go where they want to.

Lucky for us, today they were in ...

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Pilot Whale Mom and Baby Underwater

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As we sat idly observing a family group of Pilot whales a Mother and baby pair broke off from the rest of the group to do some ‘people watching’. This happens fairly often with our non-invasive approach. We do not chase the whales and dolphins, but instead observe quietly from the proper distance and allow the cetaceans own curiosity to dictate if there will be a closer encounter. It is fairly often that we are rewarded for our approach ...

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GoPro underwater video of whales and dolphins

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Pilot whales are a resident species here in Tenerife and seen on over 99% of our tours. The second largest dolphin species, the Pilot whales live in matrilineal pods, just like their bigger cousins, the Orcas. Costa Adeje in southern Tenerife is home to one of the largest known resident populations of Pilot whales in the world.

Atlantic Spotted dolphins are a transitory off shore species of dolphin. They are the third most commonly observed cetacean species here along Costa Adeje ...

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